abandoned: The All-American Ruins Podcast | S02 Bonus — Sunset Town

Hi. Season 2 of the Ambie-nominated abandoned: The All-American Ruins Podcast is out! Click the link below to choose your podcast provider — and if you’re feeling extra generous, I ask you to rate/review/subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Spotify:
From the show notes:
Sometimes, it’s not possible to get inside an abandoned space, but the ghosts that may still linger among the ruins of George’s Music in Orlando, FL activate Blake’s imagination just the same. Join him for this special bonus episode as he daydreams the insides of the abandoned music store, surrounded on all sides by the echoes of America’s Disney-stained future.
(Note: For the best immersive experience, we strongly suggest you wear headphones 🎧 for every episode of abandoned: The All-American Ruins Podcast.)
To read the transcript of this episode, click here: https://www.blakepfeil.com/aar-podcast.html
To read the original story this episode is based on, click here: https://medium.com/@allamericanruins/chapter-36-sunset-town-edb49cd412db
To learn more, visit: http://www.allamericanruins.com
Thank you for listening to this immersive audio experience.